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Thursday 4 March 2010

jQueryRotate plugin update

Even if there was not too many updates on a blog, there are things happening with few projects. jQueryRotate plugin has been updated few times since last entry on blog, most important change is support in IE that does not requires excanvas. A list of all fixes/updates:

- Added a support for animated gifs, now you can specify if you want to support them. Notice that this might slow down a bit other things on page because it needs to render images all the time. Use it if you really need it.
- Fixed problem of document.ready animations for images
- Fixed annoying bug in IE 8 by setting v\:image instead of v\: *.
- Whole new concept for IE - instead of using canvas itself - right now function uses a nice workaround using vml:image to rotate it faster. All of you involved please do some test with this!.
- Repaired some small bug - now you can rotate all elements like $(".images").
- Solved some problems with calling rotation again on the same object, now $("#element").rotate(angle) and .rotateAnimation(angle) and everything related returns proper reference to newly created object.

Try to play with it, use it!

See project page

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There seems to be an antialiasing problem in IE. If you rotate a small angle (i.e. 3 or 4) stairs steps appear on the left image side.